Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yellow Fin Tuna Frenzy!!

Utpoia headed out for a half day trip with Mr. Mark Zitzewitz and his friend "Pedro". They brought along their wives and kids and had a great time with Captain Rene. They were able to reel in 9 Yellow fin Tuna on their 5 hour trip. All the children were excellent fishermen and had a blast on the 54' boat! It was nice meeting you and we hope to see you soon.

Omar and Jesus on ReelRum were not too far behind Utopia. Lori Miller and her friends caught and released 7 Yellowfin on their day out on the water. Lori made a last second reservation with me over the internet and was glad she did!

Tantrum and Jessica Brooks headed out along with family for a day out on the water. Americo led the boat today as Cesar took a day of rest. He handled the boat well with Juan and got the Brooks party plenty of Yellowfin on their day out on the water.

Javier on Rum Runnin had a chance at a few Marlin but none of them would take the bait for the McCorkell party today. They stil ended up with 6 Yellowfin Tuna and a heck of a lot of memories to add to their Spring Break '08!!

Unfortunately El Nuevo missed out on the Yellowfin Tuna bite today due to Maintenance work. Red Beam stepped up and took out John Ewaski and his group of buddies. They were very happy when they came back into the office to buy their shirts and flags after catching over 10 Yellow fin and 3 Dorado! I was told by John that the crew was very hard working and really excited to be part of the Redrum fleet!

There have been reports of several Swordfish being caught around the area lately as I have heard of 3 in the last week or so. This is very exciting to us since we do not always get to see Swordfish in our area anymore. There was one in particular that weighed over 500 pounds from what I heard around the Marina last week.

Tight Lines,


Introducing RED BEAM

We are happy to welcome Red Beam, a 33' Jersey to the Redrum fleet. Red Beam was purchased by Redrum Marina Manager Jorge Matzunaga- who is also Cesars father! Beam, as we call it in the office has already gone out for Redrum several times and done very well. Salvador the Captain of the boat is very knowledgeable about the waters in Cabo and handles the boat very very well.

This now makes 6 Redrum boats in our fleet!

Utopia, 54' Hatteras (Captain Rene)
El Nuevo Redrum 33' Bertram (Alex)
Red Beam 33' Jersey (Sal)
Rum Runnin 32' (Javier)
Tantrum and Reel Rum 28' (Cesar and Omar)

Shoot me an email for the details and I will get them over right away!