Thursday, September 30, 2010

What a great month!

Heeeello Peeps!

Another month goes by and we are welcoming October with huge success. Today is the last day of September 2010 and fishing was excellent this whole month. I am still waiting for the boats to come back today and see what they caught but just so you have an idea we did a total of 10 blue Marlin, 74 Striped Marlin, 10 Sailfish, 21 Tuna (a bit slow I know), 400 Dorado, 3 Wahoo, 1 Roosterfish and 4 Mako Sharks... This was all thanks to you guys who made this number possible. Thank you so much!

Yesterday we had 5 boats out:

For a second day of fishing we had Steve and Marcella Ramsey fishing on RumRunnin might remember their names from Sunday's fish report as they had reeled in 20 Dorados! well yesterday wasn't bad either. They reeled in 4 Dorado, one 120 Lbs Striped Marlin and one 250Lbs Blue Marlin! Excellent job!

Josh Watson and his crew from CCA joined us for their second and last fishing trip and after their full day of fishing aboard the 33' Cabo Chica, they managed to Catch and Release a 200 Lb Sailfish and 1 Striped Marlin. They also caught 9 Dorado. Well done you guys.

A total of 10 Dorado was caught by Laurie Hempstead and Michael Quinn. Laurie said it was a lot of fun. The biggest dorado they caught was 30 Lbs. They fished on Tantrum with Captain Ramon and Mate Jesus. Hopefully we will see them again real soon.

Another CCA member Brian Brumfield, who had fished with us a few months ago decided to go again on the 33' Nuevo. Him and his crew did great work out there with Captain Alex and mate Manuel. They managed to reel in Dorado, one Sailfish that was 130 Lbs and 1 Marlin which was between 140-150 Lbs. It was an excellent day for them and we are glad they enjoyed it. Brian gave his fish away to Charity and we really appreciate that. This fish will go to the Children's Foundation here in Cabo.

Last but not least Rod Tavares and Barry fished on ReelRum with Captain Jesus and Mate Edgar. These guys were supposed to be out there for 8 hours but by noon they were back in the office. Not because they were seasick but because they decided to call it a day once they had reeled in 1 Striped Marlin (C/R), 8 Dorado and 1 blue Marlin that was 10ft 250 Lbs. The latter was reeled in by Rod and it took him almost an hour to reel it in. He was excited about the trip and experience. They told me they had 2 Blue Marlin bite at the same time, but one of them got away...Sorry guys, I guess it'll be next time.

Thank you All for Reading.