Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter to all!

Hi Guys,

Another slow day in cabo. There really isn't much to report today either (unfortunately).
Our Navy guys David, Tyler and Cassidi wen't out on Rum Runnin' for their last day of fishing and came back with 11 Yellowfin. They wen't out with Captain Alex and Mate Americo.
THey headed out 38 miles out and spotted 2 Marlins but they did not bite.
Today's fishing was done mostly by the Jaime Bank. That's where we were also told the yellowfin were spotted.

David, Tyler and Cassidi learned how to vaccum seal the fish, they are heading off tomorrow and offered to help vaccum seal so they could take it back with them. A lot of fish they are taking back home I must say. They were our lucky group this week and very awesome people. Hopefully we will see them again in the near future
Since they had a lot of fish they needed 2 coolers to take it back home! Safe Flight guys

On Tantrum we had Sean Russell and Beth Piantidosi who after a full day of fishing, came back with 2 Sierra. They did not stop by but I heard they had a great time.

and on a cruise/snorkeling trip we had Steve Leveroni and his crew who decided to start their trip at 10. They had an awesome day with Capt. Mike Powell. They had taken this trip last year, so they are familiar and decided to do it again this year.
Hopefully we'll see more of them in the upcoming months.

Happy Easter to all and have a great weekend!