Sunday, June 14, 2009

Half and a Half and a Full

Two half day boats were sent out this morning, along with the Lilly's who were finishing up their Play and Stay Package with RedRum with a full day on El Nuevo.

Darrin and Lisa Loesel were the first boat back, ReelRum. They fished with Americo and Tata, as Omar had the day off. I am sure Omar was resting up for tonights big game. Team RedRum, the soccer version, which is a team comprised of our Captains and Mates, has a big game tonight at 7:20pm. The 1st place team, RedRum, takes on the 2nd place team tonight. I digress, back to the fishing. Darrin and Lisa were with another company yesterday and they were skunked, so they decided to give it another shot, this time they made the right choice and came out with us.
Tons of fish were spotted and the boys pitched bait to a lot them, however only one was hungry. One was enough though as the purpose of the trip was to get Lisa a Marlin. After catching and releasing the Marlin, Lisa was ready for another. They had another fish hot and bothered, but it never gave a real good strike to the bait. But, one catch and release Marlin on a half-day trip is still a success. Nice meeting you Darrin and Lisa, hope to see you back in Cabo soon.

David Alexander and his buddy were the next "half-day" to make it back to the Marina. I have the "half-day" in quotation marks because Chivo stayed out extra long trying to get each of the guys a big Marlin. They saw Marlin, Dorado and tons of Dolphin but even with the extra effort they were only able to bring in the one Marlin. The guys had a great day and remarked when they came back in what a great job the crew had done.

Finally, we had Mike Lilly and his crew from the Stay and Play Package (check the website for more details on the Play and Stay Packages with RedRum Sportfishing on El Nuevo RedRum. Captain Alex did his best for these guys again, and they came back to tell me so, but even he can't get the fish to bite. The Lilly guys enjoyed the Beer on the boat and the great day on the water, but were having a hard time hooking up. Finally though, Mike was hooked up on a Marlin and he caught and released a real nice 160-170lb Striped Marlin.

Not a bad week for RedRum boats, plenty of Marlin close to the Marina and the Dorado bite was good as well. A few nice Tuna were brought in as well, it would be nice to see these guys show up with a bit more regularity, fingers crossed.