Monday, November 3, 2008

November 2nd Report - Tuna Landing!

Yellow fin have finally arrived!

Red Beam was the first boat of the fleet to arrive in her slip today. When RedBeam pulled into the slip today she was sporting some flags that I had not seen in a long time. Those white Tuna flags sure looked great on one of our boats. It had been too long since I had seen them and they were a beautiful sight to see. It got even better when I saw the size of the Yellowfin that Jay Simmons and his dad pulled in. 4 nice 50+ pound Yellowfin Tuna!! They hit the school early and fished it for a few hours. They were back early and plenty tired! Great job guys!

Our CCA group of the McCoys also had a great time fishing with Javier and Rum Runnin. They caught and released 6 Stripe Marlin and also were able to catch 4 Yellowfin Tuna. They were ecstatic about the catch and had a great time fishing with Javier and Manuel.

Dean Patsko from the West Coast came in off of the Oosterdamn Cruise Ship early this morning. He had just gone through 4 surgeries on his right shoulder after seriously injuring his bicep. Cesar told him that he would take care of him and help him out if they might hook into a Marlin. Might they sure did! In 5 hours Cesar and Mr. Patsko were able to catch and release 14 Stripe Marlin and a Sailfish! My hat goes off to Mr. Patsko, great job my friend!

Dave Kruger and his gang had a great time fishing with Alex and Juan. A few mechanical problems did not slow them down as they were able to catch and release heaps of Stripe Marlin as well as Yellowfin Tuna! Great job guys!

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