Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Marlin are back!

Another gorgeous day on the water: barely any wind and lots of sunshine.

Today we fished with two groups of smart and compassionate people that purchased a Red Rum Stay and Play package at an auction to benefit our friends, the Coastal Conservation Association.

What is CCA? From their Web site: CCA is a non-profit organization, comprises 17 coastal state chapters spanning the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic and Pacific coasts. CCA’s strength is drawn from the tens of thousands of recreational saltwater anglers who make up its membership. The stated purpose of CCA is to advise and educate the public on conservation of marine resources. The objective of CCA is to conserve, promote and enhance the present and future availability of these coastal resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public. Check them out:

When not laying out by the pool, receiving massages or having gourmet meals prepared by a personal chef at our ocean view Portofino condos, the Mohrs and Broussards are out fishing with us.

Out for their second day of fishing on our 33’ Bertram “El Nuevo” were the Mohrs from Texas. Captain Alex and mate Ramon traveled over to Gordo Banks, a popular dive as well as fishing location and caught and released 3 Marlin by 1pm. There were lots of Marlin showing off their acrobatic skills and they almost hooked two more. On the way back, they stopped by the lighthouse and caught a Yellowtail for dinner.

The Broussards, new neighbors and friends of the Mohrs, went out on our 54’ Hatteras “Utopia”. You can’t really have a bad day on the water when you have fifty four feet, gourmet lunches and plenty of beer but the Broussards were after an adventure as well. Rene and Mickey headed outside of point 1150 and Mr. and Mrs. Broussard turned up the action and caught and released 2 Marlin by 10am.

It seems that the Marlin are back and ready for a fight!

For more information on how you can book a Play and Stay package with RedRum, visit our Web site at

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