Friday, September 25, 2009

Sept 24th... a little late

It was a day of celebrating for clients and a super busy day for me at the office. With Ryan still on his guys trip, Diana out sick and 2 groups of clients checking in at the condos for the Stay & Play I was one worn out woman.

But there was celebrating to be had on the boats. We had 2 couples on their honeymoon, 1 birthday and 1 bachelor party. Let's party I say!

Mindi and Caleb (now) Leonard from Oklahoma just got done saying their nuptials before they headed down to Cabo for their honeymoon. They set sail towards the Pacific side with Omar and Americo on ReelRum and reeled in 2 nice 25 pound Tuna.

The second honeymooners were Dave and Agnes Nowak from Chicago. They had a great newly wed day on the water with 4 Tuna and 1 Dorado caught aboard RumRunnin.

Paul managed to get 4 out of 5 of his buddies out of bed after a night of partying in Cabo. You guessed it, this is the bachelor party group. With about 3 cases of beer being loaded onto the boat before sunrise these 5 serious fisherman were ready for fun and fish. Carlos, Paul, Jarrett, Jason and Ramiro headed out on the RedBeam with Marcial. The fish weren't biting. "The guys worked their tails off and did everything they could by switching line, baits, positions etc. I'd bitch if I could but I can't, they did a great job." said Jarrett. That says it all folks, our crews will do their best to get you on the fish, but we can't make them bite. The guys had a good time despite the few fish caught (heck who can't with 3 cases of beer!) And Paul the Bachelor was able to reel in the 1 Tuna that made it on board.

And last but not least was the Coens, Joseph Sr., Lorraine and son Joseph Jr. were down for two reason. One was Joseph Jr's birthday the other was to get dad on that billfish and catch dinner! Aboard El Nuevo the Coens headed out to Los Arcos in hopes of reeling in something. They did will reeling in the dinner that they hoped for, 3 Tunas around 15 pounds each and 3 Dorado around 25 pounds each. Nice job guys and Happy Birthday to you Joesph, I think the 25th is your actual birthday. Looks like tomorrow dad will have a chance to reel in that billfish. See you tomorrow.

Hasta Pronto!

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