Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday June 7th

Richard Snell, a repeat customer of ours and his buddy Jim Silvia, down from San Jose, California joined Ramon and Juan for a day aboard TantRum. Before they even left the office in the morning, they mentioned wanting to get back out on the water for another day of fishing. I guess they had a good feeling, and they were right. They caught 8 Yellowfin and 1 Dorado. And yes, they are headed back out. After relaxing tomorrow, they are headed back out on Wednesday.

Dan Armijo and his family, down from Peralta, California, fished with us today aboard Rum Runnin with Captain Javier and Mate Americo. Everyone got to catch and fish and Dan even got to catch a Marlin! They finished the day with 5 Tuna, 1 nice Wahoo and 1 Marlin.

Kris Kartens and his crew from Bryan, Texas (Aggie country) joined us for a day aboard El Nuevo RedRum today with Captain Alex and Manuel. They had a nice day on the water catching 4 nice Yellowfin Tuna. While they pitched bait to countless Marlin, it was the late day, final cast to a tailing Marlin that finally did the trick. One thing I love about our crews is that tey love to fish! They won't pass by a Marlin that the client doesn't see just because the trip is scheduled to be over. They did what they had to do, and they got Kris and his crew a nice Catch and Release Striped Marlin.


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