Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 20th Fish Report

With a full moon last night that seemed to have hung around until early morning I could tell todays anglers were a little weary of how they would fair.

Robert Roffe headed out on El Nuevo for his 3 day of fishing. Alex and Juan took care of him and hooked them into 3 nice Dorado, Juan also hooked him into a snapper while bottom fishing at Gorda Banks.

Randal Dees and his friend Charles Parks fished on Rum Runnin with Javier and Americo today. After getting a little later start they got to the fishing grounds and got at it. After a good day of trolling they were able to reel in 2 nice Dorado.

Matthew and Monica Hamura fished on the Red Beam today and hooked a Stripe Marlin and caught 2 Dorado. Manuel fished the same area as the other boats and was super excited when he saw that the Marlin finally opened up to take the live bait.

2 Dorado were brought up by Tantrum and the Wright party. While 1 Stripe Marlin was caught on Reel Rum by the Mosteller party.

It is always a good sign that the 2nd half of the fishing year is going to be good when we see Dorado in mid to late May. The ones we have been catching have mainly been nice Bull Dorado in the upper 20-30 pound class range. Some a lot bigger and some a tad smaller.