Friday, April 29, 2011

More Marlin to the charts!

All I can say is that Ronald Malone Sr and Jr are a very lucky team, I don't want to jinx them since they are still fishing, but in their second trip which took place yesterday aboard Nuevo with Captain Alex and Mate Manuel, they caught and released 4 striped Marlin that averaged between the 100 Lbs to 140.

They fished on the sea of cortez side on the 1150 and 95 bank. Today is their last day fishing with us and they are still in the water, haven't heard from their captain yet, so hopefully when they come back they give us another great result.

We also had 3 more boats going out yesterday but they did not have as much luck as we and they would've expected, still they came back to the office and said they had a great time in the water.

Today we have all our boats plus partner boats in the water, we wish them all good luck and I'll let you know how they did tomorrow!

Thanks for reading