Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bored? come fish with RedRum! just a flight away.

Hi There Guys!

Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving? We are very thankful for having such a great year alonside our customers who fish with us from all around the world! Thank you for making RedRum what it is...Such a sucess!

Fishing is still good, even though Yellowfin has slowed down in the past couple of weeks but we are still targeting Dorado, Snapper, Rooster, Amberjack, Bonita and Marlin (C/R)

Yesterday's fishing took place on the Pacific side and boy did our cusomers come back all happy. Everyon's fishing was excellent.

Boat: RedRum
Anglers: Rodney Green Party
Crew: Omar and Americo
Catch: 2 Striped Malrin
Comments: Guys came off the cruise ship for some awesome fishing. We hope to get their feedback real soon but our crew said they had a great time out there.

Boat: RumRunnin
Anglers: Rodney Green Party
Crew: Javier and Jesus
Catch: 2 Rooster Fish
Comments: Guys came off the cruise ship for some awesome fishing. We hope to get their feedback real soon but our crew said they had a great time out there.

Boat: ReelRum
Anglers: Glenn Nakao
Crew: Edgar and Omar
Catch: 1 Striped Malrin (c/r), 2 Bonita and 1 Amberjack
Comments: Glenn decided not to keep his catch and donated it to RedRum to give away to charity. Thanks Glenn, that was very thoughtful.

Boat: Anzuelo II
Anglers: Kent Hanson, Greg McMillan and Brad Kleman
Crew: Captain Salvador and Lupe
Catch: 6 Dorado and 3 Striped Marlin
Weight: 100, 110 and 140 Lbs
Comments: had a great time with RedRum. We are glad they enjoyed the trip and hope to see them again real soon.

Boat: Nuevo
Anglers: Tammy Michaud and Brandon Ray
Crew: Jesus and Manuel
Catch: 1 Striped Malrin and 2 Dorado
Weight: Marlin weighed 100 Lbs
Comments: This team went out fishing for a half day and had a superb day out in the water, they caught and released the Striped Marlin and had fun reeling in the Dorado. They will stop by to pick up the fish they left for us to Vacuum Seal and Freeze. We'll see you in a couple of days!

Thanks for Reading.