Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wacky Louisiana

Sharon and friends fished on our 32’ partner boat with Captain Federico. They fished between Migri~no and Golden Gate on the Pacific just four miles from shore. They caught fifteen Dorado weighing between fifteen and twenty five pounds and released five.

Craig and Jim, the Red Sox fans, went out on our 32’ boat RumRunnin with Captain Javier and Mate Manuel. They caught fourteen Dorado weighing between twenty five and thirty pounds and released seven. They also caught a released 2 Striped Marlin weighing between a hundred and ten and a hundred and twenty pounds. They fished Golden Gate two miles from shore.

Sam, Jim and friends from Louisiana went out on our 33’ boat El Nuevo with Captain Alex and Mate Ramon. They caught four Dorado weighing twenty five pounds in the Golden Gate area five miles form shore.

Brett and his young son Jake went out on our 28’ partner boat with Captain Lupe and Mate Salvador. They fished the Lighthouse on the Pacific side and caught three Dorado and one got away. Jake caught the first one and he and his dad shared in the work for the next two. Their Dorado weighed twenty five to thirty pounds.

Richard and friends went out on our 32’ boat RedBeam with Captain Francisco and Mate Fabian. They caught 7 Dorado weighing thirty five to forty pounds, a few small Bonita inshore fish and fought but lost two Striped Marlin as well as a three foot hammerhead shark which they released. They fished Golden Gate on the Pacific side.

Marilyn, Dave and friends went out on our 28’ ReelRum with Captain Omar and Mate Americo. They fished Golden Gate twenty one miles out and three to four miles from shore where water was at seventy nine degrees. They caught eleven Dorado weighing between thirty and forty pounds, two of which they released.