Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7th, Dorado Didn't Stand a Chance

I know it's going to be a good day of fishing when Cesar calls me 10 past 8:00 o'clock telling me that he just caught a Dorado that he swears is at least 70 pounds! Cesar had 3 great days fishing with Mike Mathews and Kandee Baird. Today was probably the best day because of the massive Dorado that was caught! They were also able to catch and release a Stripe Marlin later in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Egan fished with Omar on ReelRum and although they had a pretty nice Dorado get off just a couple of feet from the boat, Mr. Egan caught a nice 65 pound Bull Dorado.

Frank Breard fished and had a great time fishing with Javier and Americo on Rum Runnin. He was able to catch a nice 100" Stripe Marlin weighing in about 140 pounds and also another huge Dorado, weighing about 55 pounds!!

It's always great to see big Dorado caught. It is a promising sign that the fishing is about get a whole lot better!

