Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mostly Cortez fishing today

The Franklin group from Texas went out on two of our boats today, the 33’ El Nuevo and 32’ RumRunnin. On Nuevo they caught a twenty five to thirty pound Dorado at 1150 banks of the sea of Cortez and on RumRunnin they caught an eighty pound Tuna in the same spot.

The Thompson group from Los Angeles, San Fancisco, CA and Austin, Texas went out on our 32’ RedBeam with Captain Marcial and Mate Fabian. They hit 95 banks on the Cortez side and hooked up to an easy Dorado around noon weighing about forty pounds. Water temperature was at eighty seven degrees.

The Joubran group from Texas went out on one of our partner boats with Captain Ulises and caught 8 Tuna around fifteen pounds each. The group fished about ten miles from Golden Gate where water temperature was eighty degrees.