Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mid week report

Robert and his son Zack from San Diego, CA fished with Captain Omar and Mate Americo on our 28’ ReelRum. They headed out on the Pacific about 25 miles offshore and caught 2 Marlin and 4 Dorado. Both Marlin were caught using live bait and weighed roughly one hundred and twenty pounds. The Dorado were also caught using live bait and weighed between twenty five and thirty pounds each.

Colby, Jim and RB, TCU fraternity brothers of R. Donovan went out on our 32’ RumRunnin with Captain Ramon and Mate Juan. They stayed on the Pacific side and caught a Marlin, a Sailfish, 2 Dorado and 2 Tuna.

James, David, Jimmy and Rickey from Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama (wow!) fished with Captain Alex and Mate Fausto on our 33’ El Nuevo and caught 2 Tuna on the pacific side.