Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12th Report

With a moon a little larger than normal last night I was a little worried about today. Thank I remembered that I was in Cabo and that full moons have not affected our fishing in the 2 years that I have been here! When the boats came back in this afternoon I remembered why!

Reel Rum was the first boat back in her slip this afternoon. Hilary and Ryan Leifheit called me last week and wanted to get on a boat for a fun day of fishing. Omar was the right guy to head out with, he and Americo landed 8 Stripe Marlin for the catch and release as well as 1 Pacific Sail. The couple had a great time as this was there first off-shore adventure. Rest assured they will be getting off shore again, hopefully with us! Great job guys.

Steven Turner fished with Cesar on Tantrum this morning. "All I want to do is catch a Marlin, get it up to the boat and take a few pictures of it" is what Mr. Turner explained to me this morning be for he headed out by himself. Cesar was the guy to do it with and was able to get 2 up to the boat for photos! Great job Mr. Turner!!

Mr. and Mrs. David White brought their friend Jancie Bruce to fish with them. They headed out on El Nuevo with Juan and Alex and had a great day. Slim was able to get each one of them hooked into a Stripe Marlin for the release and also a nice Dorado for dinner! They will be headed to Misiones de Kino for that awesome platter that Israel and the gang does so well! Making me hungry.

Tomorrow is the start of another busy weekend for us with the Juaquin Classic starting up again! We are excited about having our good friends down and hope the fishing keeps up for them!

Guess I was wrong about the moon!