Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yellowfin are back in business!

Wow another great fishing day and an awesome hot sunny day in Cabo San Lucas. Fishing seems to be getting better every day. We started off with a slow week but it began picking up by Wednesday.

We only had 2 boats out hauling the Monks' party.
RumRunnin was the first one to come back in after a full day of fishing and as we thought...they did beat their own score from yesterday. Instead of coming back to the office with only 7 yellowfin, they decided to bring in 20 yellowfin caught during their fishing trip. You should see the amount of bags in our sink ready to be vacuumed sealed and frozen up for them! It's going to be one loooong afternoon!

On Nuevo, Mike Monks and his crew reeled in a total of 14 yellowfin! awesome guys. Lets see how they do tomorrow.


May 7th Fish Report.

Good Morning everyone. Hope y'all are enjoying a fantastic Saturday and have all your mothers' day gifts ready and wrapped up for tomorrow! How will you guys celebrate mother's day? All I know is that I will call my mom who's in Oceanside California!! (760) Rules!

I came accross this post:

"I traded eyeliner for dark circles, salon hair cuts for ponytails, bubble baths for short showers, late nights for early mornings, designer purses for diaper bags & awesome shoes for flip flops. Great Moms will always give up ANYTHING for their kids because they are worth it!! "


Ok, now after my 2 minutes of "momma's boy phase" let's get on with the fishing report from yesterday May 7th.

So we had 5 boats out yesterday, with one of them being a little hard to find after a last minute boat switch, you should've seen us looking for a bigger was hard, but not impossible! we managed it just right!
We had long time customer and friend Chris Rowe with his crew on the 50' Fearless. Chris was very pleased with the whole trip. Him and his buddies reeled in 22 Yellowfin, 2 Striped Marlin, 4 Dorado and 2 Mako Shark! AWESOME!!!!

We are now in one of the Best months for many of the fish here in Cabo San Lucas. And I am talking about Dorado, Snapper, Roosterfish, Wahoo and Striped Marlin among others! so Kudos for that people!!!

Thanks Chris, see you in November buddy!

A couple of nice folks, Daniel and William Shattuc, also fished with us for the first time. They got off a cruiser at 8AM and hopped on Tantrum with Captain Ramon and Mate Juan who were already waiting for them at the main dock. These guys went out fishing near Cerro Blanco and spotted a Wahoo which in the end decided to bite afterall! Great job guys. Glad you decided to make this trip possible!!! See you soon.

Johnny Warren and his party of 6 also fished with us aboard the 33' Ziggy along with Captain Manuel and Mate Alex. These guys decided to switch sites, instead of going to Cerro Blanco or the light house they stuck by the Archs and after a wild chase of Marlin, they caught and released 2 of them. NICELY DONE BOYS!

And last but not least aboard our 32' RumRunnin and 33' partner boat Cabo Chica, was Mike Monks and his party of 9. These guys of course decided to do a little "let's see who catches more fish" type of game and in the end they both came back as winners. On RumRunnin with Captain Omar and mate Americo the guys reeled in 7 Yellowfin tuna, while in Cabo Chica the guys also did very good. They caught and released a 150 Lb Marlin, caught and kept 3 Yellowfin and 1 Dorado. They fished by the 190 bank.

These guys -Monks- are fishing again with us today and Sunday will be their last day. Hope they beat yesterday's record!! Come back for today's fish report later on!!!

Thanks for Reading.
