Friday, August 29, 2008

Big Dorado Day!

Well, the fishing has stayed very consistent since the storm rolled through this past weekend and today was no fluke. The boys found fish between the Lighthouse and Los Arcos, a few miles off shore.

We'll start off with Dean Brown's group. Dean and his buddies are good friends of the RedRum family that come to fish with us each year. For one reason or another, Dean had to back out of the trip this year, but his buddies picked up the slack. They fished with TantRum and ReelRum today an brought in a combined 7 Dorado, and 1 Marlin.

Next was the Rutherford group from Houston. They are staying at the Portofino condos and fishing aboard El Nuevo. After a few follies actually getting to and settling in the condos last night, they had a great day today. Mrs. Sandra Rutherford has dreamed of bringing in a Marlin for a while now and all it took was a quick trip to Cabo. The rest of her party caught Dorado, one each for a total of 4.

Shane Smith brought a small group down as well, and today was the first of two days fishing for these guys. The first boat, Red Beam, caught 3 Dorado and a Sailfish. The second boat Rum Runnin' caught 4 Dorado. Great job guys, enjoy those filets.

Finally, our good friend Traun over at Cabo Ticket, took out a few of his friends from Tasmania. Luis got a day off from the office as well as he joined their party. They fished hard and caught 5 Dorado, one that was over 60 inches. Good stuff fellas.