Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Bonnie and Daryl headed out on ReelRum with Omar and Americo to get entrenched in some action out at Golden Gate. These two know fishing well, but up in Alaska, not in Baja. Bonnie is no longer a marlin virgin as she reeled in her first on this trip. They battled some winds and chilly air but had a great day out there. They totaled 2 striped catch and release marlin, 1 skip jack tuna and 3 dorados. They saved some for dinner to be cooked up at their hotel.

Jason and wife Melissa along with their buddy Travis headed out on RumRunnin. This is Jason’s second time fishing with RedRum and he said he’s ready for more. They all headed down from San Antonio, Texas and headed out to Golden Gate. They saw lots of stripers on the surface and was able to reel two up to the boat. Unfortunately one of the marlin didn’t make it and died in the fight. It was brought over to the Mexican fishing department where the meat will be donated to a charity or orphanage. Nice job guys and we look forward to seeing you back again soon!

Lots of bait out at Golden Gate at about 69-70 degree Fahrenheit temperature water. Kurt, Bill, Michael and Brian from the Pacific Northwest sprung out of the cold weather and headed out on El Nuevo with Alex. Two cases of beer helped them bring in 2 catch and release marlin. Well done, maybe 4 cases will get you guys 4 marlin next time?

All aboard RedBeam was Lauren and Alvin from Louisiana heading out to Golden Gate as well on the sunny buy windy day. We worked hard to try and find them some people to share a boat with, but had no luck so they tackled the seas on their own. They pulled in one dorado but it wasn’t too long before someone was a bit sea sick. They turned back in after the single fight.

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