Friday, July 3, 2009

Whale of a Wednesday

The boys found the dead whale again today, 26 miles offshore, with Captain Omar reportedly the 4th boat at the scene Wednesday morning. Captain's Alex and Javier were quickly informed of the whereabouts and were on their way. Omar reported fish up to half a mile away from the whale, not just directly underneath the temporary "structure at sea."

Kyle Newcomer and his wife Adrienne, who had already fished once with us this week and had a great "mixed bag" day, were back out on the water. Looking to add to a great first day, their second day on the water was one I am sure they couldn't even have imagined. Finding the fish around 9am, they were out of bait by 10am and had to resort to plastics at that point. They caught 8 Dorado up to 40lbs and released 3 of them, and also hauled in 3 Yellowfin Tuna.

The Van Amburg party was next up, Jim, Niv, Dustin and Preston fished aboard El Nuevo RedRum with Captain Alex. They too found the whale and the action was on. They coaxed 9 Dorado to the boat as well as 2 Yellowfin Tuna.

Darren Payne's party was fishing with RumRunnin, Todd, Kenny, Doug, and the two Ryan's had a phenominal day. Kenny and Doug each had 4 Dorado, but Doug also brought in 3 Tuna, making him the winner of the most fish. All total, the crew had 14 Dorado, many of which were released and 9 Yellowfin Tuna. Sounds like Mate Manuel had his hands full.

Finally we had Dennis Ortiz from SouthLake, Texas. The Ortiz's live next to our good friends the Corley's in SouthLake and Dennis heard all about us from Thomas Corley. Excited to have a connection in Cabo, the Ortiz's booked a full day with us on the RedBeam. While we made the Ortiz's aware of what was happening out near the whale, they had Marlin on their mind. Heading up towards the Gordo Banks on the Sea of Cortez, Marshall did his best to make a Marlin happen. While pitching bait to a bunch of fish, they couldn't get a Marlin interested. They did hav a nice consolation prize of 2 good size Dorado.

Let's see if we can find that floating whale a third day in a row tomorrow.

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