Friday, August 7, 2009

Big enough to mount, beautiful enough to release

It seems to be the TCU fraternity brother reunion month because yet another one of R. Donovan’s friends came by to fish with us. Blake along with girlfriend Kelly went out on our 28’ ReelRum with Captain Omar and Mate Americo and caught 3 twenty to thirty pound Dorado. They met up with these beauties about twenty four miles offshore by Golden Gate on the Pacific side where water temperature reached eighty five degrees.

Daniel, Mike, Jake and Jake went out from New York and California went out on our 32’ RedBeam with Captain Marcial. They caught a Wahoo, 7 Dorado that weighed between ten to twenty pounds, five of which they released, and a seventy pound Sailfish which they also released. The fun happened on the Pacific side which has become quite the popular spot amongst our trophy fish.

Josh and friends from Houston, Texas went out on our 32’ RumRunnin with Captain Manuel and Mate Juan. They caught and released 2 sixty pound Sailfish using live bait and a hundred and twenty pound Striped Marlin using a lure. They also caught 6 ten to thirty pound Dorado, releasing one of them and keeping the rest for dinner. It all went down four miles offshore by the lighthouse.

Shane and friends from Houston, Texas found us through their local CCA chapter and are enjoying a four night stay at our Portofino condos. They’ll be fishing twice on this trip and went out today with Captain Alex and Mate Ramon on our 33’ El Nuevo. The guys did not come back empty handed. They caught a hundred and forty pound Striped Marlin two miles offshore on the Pacific side as well as 2 twenty five pound Dorado and 3 fifteen pound Tuna. That’s a lot of fish! Nice job guys, see you on Sunday!!!

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