Sunday, September 6, 2009

Marlin in Sight

The Rasmussen group from Texas were back today for the second time this week but without the girl’s who were reported as “kidnapped”, which in Cabo language most of the time means that they are still partying well into daylight. They went out on our 32’ RedBeam with Captain Marcial and Mate Fabian. The guys did really well today catching 11 Tuna, 1 Bonita and they even caught and released a nine foot, hundred and fifty pound Striped Marlin on their way in. They said that it sure makes a difference fishing when you’re still drunk/hungover, which they weren’t today. The girl’s stopped by mid-day to ask how the boys fishing was going along and then headed back to Mango Deck for perhaps another booty-shaking contest (which they won yesterday). Good luck ladies!!!

The Franklin group, also from Texas went out for their second day in a row on our 32’ RumRunnin and 33’ El Nuevo. The folks on RumRunnin went thirty seven miles out on the Pacific side, ten miles outside of Golden Gate and seventeen miles offshore. There they caught 10 Tuna, the largest weighing about thirty five pounds and 1 Dorado of twenty five pounds. The water temperature was eighty four degrees and the ocean was calm. The group that went out on El Nuevo went thirty two miles out on the Pacific and about twenty miles from the shore. They caught 2 Dorado, the largest weighing forty five pounds and 6 Tuna between twenty five and thirty pounds.

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