Friday, January 15, 2010

Wednesday Report

Today we had the Skovera clan from Wisconsin fishing with us aboard TantRum. Bruce and Katrina, as well as Carrie and Dale all had a chance on the rod and reel as Captain Ramon was able to hook them up with 5 Dorado.

Craig Colelli and Lance Goth met here in Cabo and both wanted to get you fishing but were the only ones in their party that shared the same feeling. Fortunately, they hooked up and found us and we got them out with Ulyses for a day on Grey Light. As random as that was, so was their day fishing. Craig and Lance did something that has only happened two other times in the history of our company. They caught a Pez Espada or Swordfish. While the Sword was tiny, under a 100lbs, it was a Sword nonetheless. Quite a cool accomplishment in this part of the world. Consolation for Craig and Lance was the Marlin the caught and released and a nice Grouper that they had to the side of the boat before losing.

Joe Ippolito and Erika Tsouris from New York along with Sam Johnson and Chad Pedley found each other via our share board here at RedRum Sportfishing. They all knew that they wanted to fish, just couldn't afford a boat by themselves. That being said, we hooked them up and then hooked them up again with 4 Dorado and 3 Striped Marlin, two of which were "LDR's" or Long Distance Releases. Everyone got along great, despite Joe being a Jet's fan, and obviously the fishing was great. Congrats to everyone, nice meeting you all.

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