Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mondays, Ryan has a case of the Mondays...

*I don't need to hear from any of our loyal customers in the New York/New Jersey area today, I am well aware that the Patriots choked and lost to your beloved Jets. Just don't get too cocky about the rest of the season and end up putting your foot in your mouth.*

Now to more important news, offshore fishing in beautiful Cabo San Lucas. Football? Who cares about football when you live on the edge of the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean, one of the most beautiful and bountiful places in the world when it comes to offshore sportfishing!!!

Today we had Lewis Bush and his crew of 15 guys down from the Ocean City, Maryland Marlin Club. Founded in 1936, the Ocean City Marlin Club is one of the oldest in the country.
Fishing on four of our boats, El Nuevo, RedRum, Rum Runnin and Pescado III, overall the guys had a good day on the water. Some better than others, but that is usually the case. Top Honors for the day went to the guys on Rum Runnin who caught 3 Marlin, 2 Yellowfin and 1 Dorado. The other three boats accounted for 1 Marlin, 6 Yellowfin, 6 Sierra, and 5 Bonita. Welcome to Cabo guys, glad to have you here.

John Guardabasso and Sandra Medica joined Ramon and Juan for their second day on the water, a full day in which Marlin was the main target. While pitching bait to several fish, they were only able to get one big Striper to bite. They caught and released the Striped Marlin which was estimated at 150lbs.

Bruce and Kelly Domaille, down from Rochester, Minnesota wanted to catch "lots of fish" and "anything bigger than lake perch." I figured we could just send them out to catch bait with the bait guys and they would be happy. Instead, we decided on an inshore day and they were constantly hooked up finishing the day with 12 Bonita and 4 Skipjack Tuna.


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