Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fishing for Tuna Saturday Jan. 29th.

Saturday was a great day out in the water, we had lots of success with Yellowfin Tuna this time. After a couple of weeks of being a bit slow, we can say that fishing on Saturday was GREAT!

We had Randy Shier and Bryan fish on RumRunnin with Captain Jesus and Mate Jesus (not the same person, but are father/son) for a full day trip. Their morning trip was a bit slow but once they were 20 Miles out they starting landing their first tuna. They fished by the Lighthouse and remained there until their trip was over. In the end, they had caught a total of 3 tunas.

Joe Ihelenfeld and his crew: John, Todd and Jason also fished for a full day but their luck was with Sierra (Spanish Mackerel) They fished aboard out 28' tantrum with Captain Americo and mate Juan. By the end of the day, they had landed 17 Sierras. Cool job.

And last but not least Joshua Loeske fished on Nuevo for his last trip during his Stay at Portofino Pedregal with the Stay and Play package. On this last day Josh and his crew landed 8 Yellowfin tunas. They got some back and had a great day in the water. The guys had an awesome time fishing and lodging. Hopefully they'll send their pics and vids soon!

Thanks for Reading.

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