Friday, April 15, 2011

More inshore bite

Inshore fishing is still great. Not a lot of our customers are up to go out 30 miles off for Marlin so they decide to stick with inshore fishing. And yesterday we got heads up on the Marlin Bite which is great by the Gordo Banks, like an hour and 15 min away.

Fred and Krista Moore fished for a half day on RumRunnin with Captain Javier and Mate Jesus and these folks from Houston Texas had a great day in the water, they enjoyed it all the way. They caught 6 Sierra, 1 Red Snapper and 1 Pampano.

From Idaho we had Earle Giles and Bill Aim fishing for a half day on a Panga boat and they landed 4 yellowtails. Not bad! great job guys.

On Nuevo with Captain Alex and Mate Manuel we had Scott and Adan Lawford along with Matthew Dill fishing for a full day and they managed to catch and release 1 striped Marlin that weighed 120 Lbs and was 9 ft. This was caught by the 1150 bank.

And last but not least Bryan Bledsoe fished with his family for a full day trip and they caught 6 sierra on day 1 of their 2 trips scheduled with RedRum. Hopefully tomorrow they will have another awesome trip.


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