Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday's Marlin Madness...

Everybody was after the Billfish today! No one wanted to stay inshore and chase the Roosters or the few remaining Yellowtail, but no problem. Off towards the 95, and 1150 Banks the boys went with Mackeral and Ballyhoo rigged and ready.

Brad Major and Jennifer Bond were the first boat back with Captain Javier and his mate Jesus, they were the lucky winners today with 2 Marlin caught and released. Avid fishermen in Florida, they were stoked to be able to get on the Billfish as they get their fill of Dorado (chicken dorado) and Tuna back home.

Rick and Nancy Casper fishing aboard RedRum with Captain Omar were also able to coax a nice 150lb class Striped Marlin into eating. They were very excited about their catch as they had thrown bait to several Marlin before getting this one to bite!

Finally, William and Marlea Roberts, along with Ramon and Jesus caught and released another nice size Striped Marlin in the 150lb class. Great to see that with the arrival of the mid-70's water in the area we are also starting to see large amounts of billfish. Couldn't come at a better time as the International Game Fish Association's World Championships are coming up next week and Captain Alex and Mate Manuel will be fishing the tournament aboard El Nuevo RedRum!


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