Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday... pay day, haul some boats, and unfortunately spread some ashes

We had two boats out today and unfortunately, about a mile from the Jaime Bank the Amsterdam's who were fishing with Nuevo felt a little under the weather and needed to head back. Well, if you read yesterday's report you know that Alex and Manuel have the hot hand, and they were still able to catch a nice Dorado and a nice Yellowfin before the "muerta blanca" or white death as the boys call sea-sickness reared it's ugly head and called it a day for El Nuevo RedRum.

Paul Cannon and his lovely wife Jean, are down from Chicago and they joined us for a day on Rum Runnin today. Before they even pulled out of the marina, a transmission cable snapped and they had to limp back to the dock. Oh the joys of boat ownership, luckily it's a quick fix, but we had to send Payl and Jean out with one of our partner boats, Fish Tales. They had a good day on the water, and while the action wasn't non-stop for them, they did get to haul in a nice Striped Marlin.

TantRum was hauled back into the water this morning by yours truly after needing a patch in the bottom of the boat. Out on Saturday and back in the water by Monday morning. Might be a new record for gettting something accomplished in Cabo.

Finally, on a sadder note. Long time Team RedRum member Omar Ruiz lost a younger brother to kidney disease last week. While his brother fought the disease hard for many years, he was finally called on to end the fight. Today the extended Ruiz family boarded Rum Runnin, along with his brothers panga and headed out to the arch to spread his ashes where he enjoyed so many days. Say a little prayer for a great fisherman that today is finally resting at his most favorite place in the world.


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